Dane Wright

Hi, I’m Dane Wright

I remember waking up from a recurring nightmare… panicked, screaming, clothes drenched in sweat, thinking I was in a fight to the death with a white wolf. My nocturnal subconscious psyche seemed to mirror the fear, anxiety, and depression I tried my best to suppress daily in my turbulent waking life.

My journey of waking up and finding inner peace started with a traumatic brain injury when I was 19 years old. I literally got some sense knocked into me and I knew I wanted something more, so I set out on a decade of soul searching and inner healing to find it. Turns out, all I ever really wanted was inner peace and fortunately it was always right inside of me the whole time.

I spent over a decade healing.

After finding the courage to leave my stable engineering career, I received clarity after meditating in silence in Thailand for a week, which led me on a whole new journey of self discovery. 


I worked with my own coaches and therapists, attended personal development seminars, did yoga on the daily, experienced the healing effects of plant medicine and read nearly every book on mindset, inner healing and spiritual enlightenment I could find.

I never dreamed that my passion project would become my career.

After a few years on my own healing journey, I saw that the next generation was dealing with similar mental health challenges and I knew I wanted to help. I started a mentorship program at my old high school called the Wisdom Collective and brought alumni friends together to help teach our younger selves what we wished we had known to make the transition from highschool to the real world a bit smoother. Even though I was still finding my own way, I learned that you can make a huge difference in someone’s life even if you’re only a few steps ahead.

This passion project quickly manifested an opportunity to work professionally as a personal development coach and eventually led me to starting my own practice.

I'm on a mission to elevate the collective consciousness

As an Inner Peace Coach, Mindfulness Teacher and Spiritual Guide I’m on a mission to elevate the collective consciousness by showing individuals, just like you, how to align with themselves and their lives, so that they can experience more joy, feel deep inner peace, and flow through life with ease. While I am grateful for my life journey, it doesn’t require a decade of soul searching to come home. I’ve dedicated my life to helping others transform their lives in ways that neither they nor I could have imagined and I can’t wait to help you do the same!



  • After studying religion in the 7th grade, I came home and told my mom that I didn’t think I was religious, but if I were, I’d choose to be Buddhist.

  • My wife and I went to the same middle school and high school, but didn’t meet until the end of college at a new years party. We kissed at midnight and the rest is history! <3

  • I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering and used to build medical devices and drones.

  • I like to sculpt life size animal heads out of clay.

  • I have a willy Border Collie and Australian Shepherd mix named Indigo. He’s such a good boyyy.

  • When my hair gets to a certain length everyone thinks I look like Jim Carrey… And no, I’m not related.

  • I love to travel and have visited over 30 countries.



Dane Wright is a life coach, public speaker and former mechanical engineer. Through Dane’s personal struggle with mental health he became a master at cultivating inner peace.

After finding freedom for himself, Dane now helps people do the same through his unique blend of coaching, mindfulness and healing conversations that gracefully shift perspective. He believes that inner peace is a prerequisite for happiness, fulfillment, and abundance.

As a leader and community creator, Dane is known for building cultures of camaraderie, respect, and belonging. His playful and charismatic style breaks down barriers fostering a collaborative space for connection, innovation and growth.

Dane is passionate about bringing people together to share ideas and co-create. He is currently working to launch AUM Fest, a wellness festival that will bring together healing and personal growth with celebration and community. He is also expanding his 1-1 and group coaching practice in addition to hosting private wellness retreats. Dane currently resides in Laguna Beach, California with his wife Eden and dog named Indigo.

My deepest gratitude to my mentors and teachers who have all been a part of my journey to being who I am, and who my work is today.

you know who you are! <3